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Intelligent solutions usually have one thing in common. They work on the basis of a simple principle and therefore they are more efficient, less prone to defects, and offer versatility.
The essential element of RATAJ shaftless spiral conveyors is their shaftless spiral, which, with the help of a trapezoidal section, ensures that material is conveyed over the whole diameter of the conveyor. This special feature of shaftless spirals means large quantities of material can be conveyed, using the conveyor to full capacity with low revolutions and minimum power consumption.
We manufacture and deliver all the connecting components of RATAJ shaftless spiral conveyors (hoppers, outlets, inlets and outlets en route, gearboxes) precisely in line with the customer's requirements. The result is the optimum adaptation of material transportation to existing technology. Our long-standing practical experience of conveying materials via shaftless spiral conveyors, and the fact that we have produced and installed over a 4000 conveyors combine to give customers the guarantee of optimum, technologically perfect solutions for their loose material conveying requirements.
Besides our high-quality technology, the most precious asset we can offer you is our know-how, i.e. how this technology is applied in practice. We keep ahead of the field by constantly implementing new developments, produced with help from our customers. All our customers, large and small, supply us with their information and experience concerning the operation of our shaftless spiral conveyors, which we then draw on as we find solutions to the conveying of new and hard-to-convey materials. You can ask us for free advice and consultations, or try out the opportunities available for conveying your material at the test conveyors we have set up on our premises.